Global Settings

Video Tutorial


The Global Settings can be configured by selecting the Settings icon on the right side of the Navigation Header and clicking the Global Settings menu item. You must have the User Type Administrator or Team Administrator assigned within your User Profile in order to access the Global Settings Menu and make changes.

NOTE: When making changes to the Global Settings you will need to reload them by clicking the Reload icon () on the Application Property panel. Reloading the Global Settings will cause all currently logged in Users to be logged out, only perform a reload when you know there is no one currently working within versaSRS.

versaSRS Global Settings

Application Property Details
AccountLockoutTimer Defines the number of minutes a User's account is to be barred from attempting to logon after consecutive failed attempts
AddCommentsToSolution Governs the default state of the Add comments to solution checkbox of the Case Update module.
Options = Do not add comments to solution, Append comments to solution, Override solution with comments.
AddTagToSubjectBody Define whether to add the Case, Task, Problem, and RFC tag to either:
  • Subject Only
  • Body Only
  • Subject and Body
AlertUnits Governs the display of visual alerts: the current time in relation to a Case Due Date.
Options = Percentage (%), Minutes
AllowFormCaptcha Defines whether a captcha is required when using forms authentication to access versaSRS
AppendTask Governs whether form-based email updates to an Action append or replace Action Details, Notes and Resolution properties
ApplyCustomRoutingRules Governs whether the custom routing rules are applied when logging new Cases via email
ApplyDefaultQueue Governs whether every inbound email that is not associated with an existing Case should be assigned to the default Team set in the Application Property 'DefaultQueue'
AppTitle Application title displayed on the Navigation Header in versaSRS and within the browser's title bar
AssetSearchWithin Governs the default item selected from the Search within the Assets Search Module
AzureADInstance Defines the Azure AD Instance. If all 3 properties "AzureClientID", "AzureTenantID" and "AzureADInstance" properties are all set, authentication mode will be based on Azure AD.
AzureClientID Defines the Azure ClientID. If all 3 properties "AzureClientID", "AzureTenantID" and AzureTenantID and "AzureADInstance" properties are all set, authentication mode will be based on Azure AD.
AzureSecretKey Defines the Azure Application Secret Key. This property is optional however, if it is set in Azure it needs to be input here to allow authentication against Azure AD.
AzureTenantID Defines the Azure TenantID. If all 3 properties "AzureClientID", "AzureTenantID" and "AzureADInstance" are set, authentication mode will be based on Azure ID.
BCCAddress All email sent by the system will also be sent to the email address defined by BCCAddress
BillingPrompt Governs whether the operator is presented with a Billing prompt when closing a Case.
Options = No Prompt, Prompt User to confirm that Billing details have been recorded
CallBillingReadOnly Governs whether the billing details on the Case logging screen are read-only
CallDefaultTab Sets the default tab focus of the Case Details window (New Case Logging).
Case Details Tab, Client Details Tab
CallEscalation Governs whether Cases are automatically escalated.
Disable Case Escalation, Enable Case Escalation
CallTagPrefix Defines the Case tag prefix
CallTagSuffix Defines the Case tag suffix
ChangeRequestTagPrefix Defines the RFC tag prefix
ChangeRequestTagSuffix Defines the RFC tag suffix
CheckEmailXML Enable / Disable new Case via Extended XML Case Logging
CheckUpdatesOnStartup Enable / Disable auto update checks on versaSRS application startup
ContactLookup Enable / Disable Contact Lookup when new Cases are logged via versaSRSMailIn
ContactLookupDSN Defines connection string to contacts repository
ContactLookupQuery Defines contact look up query
ContractNotificationTemplateID Defines the Case Template to be used when creating Contract Notification tickets via the Contracts module. This feature is only available when versaCRM contacts is in use.
CorporateLogo1 URL to image (GIF/JPEG) displayed within the Case History (Printer Friendly) window. (images/versaSRS_logo1.gif)
CRMContactSearchWithin Governs the default item selected from the Search within of the CRM Contact Search Module
CRMDSN CRM database connection string.
Server, Database, Username, Password
CRMMailboxAccount versaCRM POP3 / IMAP Mailbox Account
CRMMailboxPassword veraCRM POP3 / IMAP Mailbox Account Password
CRMMailServer versaCRM POP3 / IMAP Server
CRMMailServerAuthentication versaCRM POP3 / IMAP Authentication Type
CRMMailServerPort versaCRM POP3 / IMAP Port Number
CRMMailServerSSL Enable / Disable versaCRM POP3 / IMAP SSL
CRMMailServerTimeout versaCRM POP3 / IMAP Server Timeout
CRMModule Defines the Contracts Modules used by the System
CRMOrganizationSearchWithin Governs the default item selected from the Search within of the CRM Organisation Search Module
CRMPageSize The number of records displayed per page.
Note: the maximum value is 200.
CRMSMTPAccount versaCRM SMTP Account Name
CRMSMTPAddress versaCRM SMTP MailOut Email Address
CRMSMTPAuthentication versaCRM SMTP Authentication
CRMSMTPPassword versaCRM SMTP Account Password
CRMSMTPPort versaCRM SMTP Port Number
CRMSMTPRetries versaCRM SMTP Retries
CRMSMTPServer versaCRM SMTP Server
CRMSMTPStartTLS Enable versaCRM SMTP SSL/TLS (Only Applies if CRMSMTPSSLTLS Is Not "None")
CRMSMTPTimeout versaCRM SMTP Server Timeout
CurrentUserCalls Governs whether the system should display the number of Current Case assigned to each User within the Team navigation bar.
Options = Show the number of current Cases, do not show the number of current Cases
CustomButtonBarXML Defines the customised XML data, which will represent the behaviour of each button
CustomCallTagPrefix Optional secondary Case tag prefix
CustomCallTagSuffix Optional secondary Case tag suffix
CustomFooterMenuXML Defines the customised XML data which will represent the behaviour of each menu item displayed in the footer of the main application. This custom menu is only available when ApplicationTheme property is set to "Office365".
CustomTaskTagPrefix Optional secondary Task tag prefix
CustomTaskTagSuffix Optional secondary Task tag suffix
DatabaseTimeZone Define which timezone the database is configured in. This is used to do date conversion for displaying date/time. ApplicationTimezone is used for the application timezone viewing.
DeadNoPrompt When clicking the "Dead" button, should it prompt for confirmation before actioning it
DefaultCallType The default Case Type when logging a Case manually
DefaultCallTypeForEmail The default Case Type when logging a Case via email
DefaultCountryName Defines the default Country for CRM records
DefaultCRMSecurityProfileID Default security group to apply when creating new records
DefaultCRMView Governs the default data view (Organisation or Contacts)
DefaultInvalidSubject Defines the default email subject, if no subject line defined in the email message
DefaultQueue The default QueueID of the system.
Any inbound email that cannot be mapped to an existing Case and cannot be assigned to a Team via a match against an email "To:" address and the Primary Address of a system Team, will be registered with the default Team.
DefaultSignature Sets the default signature radio button of the Case Update window.
Options = Team Signature, Operator Signature, No Signature.
DefaultStateName Defines the default State for CRM records
DefaultTutorial The default tutorial to show on application start up
DefaultUpdateType Sets the default Update Type of the Case Update window.
Options = Comments, Response to Requestors, Resolve and Close, Send Email.
DomainLookupQuery Defines domain look up, when contact lookup fails. This is used to determine the company name, if a contract does not exist in the contact repository.
Eg. SELECT TOP 1 OrganizationID AS CompanyIDGUID, Name 1 AS CField 1 FROM dbo.tbl_VCRMOrganization INNER JOIN tbl_VCRMAddresses ON tbl_VCRMAddresses.ParentID = tbl_VCRMOrganization.OrganizationID AND tbl_VCRMAddressesParentTypeID = 1 WHERE EmailAddress 1 LIKE '%[DOMAIN]'
EmailDelaySend Define the number of seconds delay before the emails are sent out of versaSRS (Default: 30 seconds, 0 or less will disable feature). This feature will allow Users to "Recall" an email before it is sent. Once the time expires, there will be no way to recall the email.
EmailEmbeddedObjects Enable / Disable Email Embedded Objects
EmailRequestors Governs which requestor(s) will receive email correspondence.
Options = Primary Requestor, Secondary Requestor, Primary and Secondary Requestor
EmailResolveAndClose Governs Whether the system Update Type. "Resolve And Close", sends and Email to the Requestor(s).
Options = Do not send update as Email, Send update as email, Send closed confirmation with comments.
EnableAnnouncements This allows Administrators to create system wide or Team specific announcements, as well as allowing any User to send a message directly to another. This feature is good for alerting Users about events, meetings or system outages.
EnableCustomControls Defines whether versaCRM can have additional custom tabs for Contacts and Organisations
EnableCustomScripts Define whether global customised JavaScripts to be used or not
EnableCustomViews Defines whether the system should display custom views for Cases, Problems, and RFC listing
EnableDead Governs whether the Dead button is displayed against each Case.
Options = Hide Dead button, Show Dead button
EnableDefaultTags Enable / Disable original Case tags. [Ticket #:].
EnableFax Enable / Disable SMTP Based Faxing
Options = Enabled, Disabled
EnableFormsLogon Define whether to allow manual form logon page. Set to 'Disabled' to only allow "Windows" or "AzureAD" authentication and prevent outside logon.
EnableMDI Defined whether management window should be embedded in the main window or open as a new window
EnableTagRoutingRules Defines whether the Tag Routing Rules are enabled / disabled
EnforceClosureType This determines whether the Operator is prompted to select a Closure Type if not already set when the status of a Case is Closed
EnforceMFA Define whether Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is enforced or not when using forms authentication. If this is enforced, Users logging in will need to input a verification code from an authenticator app or email as a second pass to validate their login.
ErrorEmail Errors reported by the versaSRS windows services can be sent to the email address defined by ErrorEmail
ErrorServiceDomain Domain required for authentication to your proxy server. This may be required by the system when accessing a remote VersaDev Web Service.
ErrorServicePassword Password required for authentication to your proxy server. This may be required by the system when accessing a remote VersaDev Web Service.
ErrorServiceTimeout Timeout value (milliseconds) required for authentication to your proxy server. This may be required by the system when accessing a remote VersaDev Web Service.
Default = 6000
ErrorServiceUsername Username required for authentication to your proxy server. This may be required by the system when accessing a remote VersaDev Web Service.
EWSExchangeVersion Define which Exchange Web Service is being used. This feature requires MailProtocol to be set to Exchange Web Service (EWS) (3).
EWSTimeZone Define the timezone settings to use when retrieving emails from Exchange. This is required when converting dates in EML attachments.
ExpandGroups Governs whether the Team navigation bar is expanded by default
ExtendedSubjectTagCheck Enabling this feature will provide extra subject line checking. This will ensure the correct "Case" number is detected in the subject line.
Note: Ensure each white space is catered for in the Case Tag. This ensures the following formats are checked [VersaDev: Ticket #abcxyz] [VersaDev: Ticket#abcxyz] [VersaDev:Ticket #abcxyz]
FacebookAuthenticationAPIKey You will require to setup your own versaSRS application for your domain under your own Facebook profile.
The following URL will provide you information on how to set one up
FaxAddressPrefix Define Fax Address Prefix
FaxAddressSuffix Define Fax Address Suffix
FaxEncoding FaxEncoding
FaxFormat Fax Format
FaxSendAsAttachment Fax Send As Attachment
FaxSMTPAccount SMTP Fax Account
FaxSMTPAuthentication Enable SMTP Fax Authentication
FaxSMTPFrom SMTP Fax From Email Address
FaxSMTPPassword SMTP Fax Password
FaxSMTPPort SMTP Fax Port Number
FaxSMTPServer SMTP Fax Server
FaxSMTPSSLTLS SMTP Fax SSL Encryption Type
FaxSMTPStartTLS Enable SMTP Fax SSL / TLS (Only Applies if FaxSMTPSSLTLS Is Not "None")
FiscalEnd Define the date for the end of the financial year. This value must be in the format of yyyy/MM/dd (The year can be any value year, as the value will not be used. The format is only required to ensure the correct date format is provided)
FiscalStart Define the date for the start of the financial year. This value must be in the format of yyyy/MM/dd (The year can be any value year, as the value will not be used. The format is only required to ensure the correct date format is provided)
ForceCallDependencies Governs whether the system enforces Case (Parent/Child) dependencies when closing a Case.
Options = Do not enforce Case dependencies, Inform the operator that the Case has child Cases or actions that are not closed, Inform the operator that the Case has child Cases or actions that are not closed and prevent them from closing the Case
ForceCommentsOnClose Governs whether the system enforces the 'comments on close' rule. When enabled, the operator must enter comments before being able to close a Case.
Options = Do not enforce rule, Enforce rule
FormsDSN Defines the Forms module database connection string
FormsModule Governs which Forms module is to be used or disables form use
FullScreen Governs whether the System runs in Full Screen mode
GoogleAuthenticationAPIKey You will require to setup your own versaSRS application for your domain under your Google account. The following URL will provide information on how to set one up
KBArticlePrefix The prefix to be applied to each Knowledgebase article identifier
KBBaseURL URL to the versaSRS Knowledgebase module.
KBSearchModule Governs the method used to search the Knowledgebase.
Options = Full Text, Default
LogFilesRetentionDays Defines how many days to keep log files before they are deleted
LoginAttempts Defines the number of times a user can try to login before their account is locked out
MailboxAuthMode Defines Mailbox Authentication Type
MailboxPassword Password required for authentication to the POP3/IMAP/EWS mail server
MailboxPort Set the port number POP3 / IMAP uses
MailboxProfile Profile required for authentication to the POP3 / IMAP mail server
MailboxProtocol Defines Mail Protocol (POP3 or IMAP)
MailboxSSL Enable or Disable POP3 / IMAP SSL setting
MailOutProtocol Define the protocol to use for sending emails
MailServer Name or IP address of the POP3 / IMAP mail server
MailServerTimeout POP3 / IMAP Server Timeout in seconds
ManualClientDetails Governs whether the operator can manually enter / edit Requestor details or forced to pick details via the contacts module.
Options = Allow operator to enter or edit details freely, Allow operator to enter or edit email address only, all other details must be entered via the contacts module or Look Up Lists; Prevent operator from entering or editing any details, must use contacts module or Look Up Lists
MapAPIKey Define the key used for Google / Bing API Maps. Without a valid key, you will not be able to use Google / Bing Maps.
A Google API key can be applied via the following URL
A Bing API key can be applied via the following URL
MapAPIMethod Define the method to use based on the MapAPIKey for mapping Geo Location
MaxContactsPerSearch Defines the maximum number of results returned by the Contact Module.
Default = 300
MaxDownloadRetries Defines number of email download retries before service stops
MaxLogFileSize Governs the maximum log file size (Kbytes) before the log file is recycled.
Default = 4096
MenuButton1 URL to image (GIF/JPEG) defining icon for custom system button
MenuButton2 URL to image (GIF/JPEG) defining icon for custom system button
MenuButton3 URL to image (GIF/JPEG) defining icon for custom system button
MenuButtonLink1 Click event URL for custom system button
MenuButtonLink2 Click event URL for custom system button
MenuButtonLink3 Click event URL for custom system button
MenuButtonToolTip1 Tool tip text for custom system button
MenuButtonToolTip2 Tool tip text for custom system button
MenuButtonToolTip3 Tool tip text for custom system button
MFANotificationTemplateID Select from the available list the Update Template you wish to use for sending out Multi-Factor Authentication Verification email
MultiMailbox Governs whether versaSRSMailIn Windows service connects to multiple POP3 / IMAP enabled mailboxes to process email. Note: If using Multiple POP3 / IMAP Mailboxes, set the Global Settings Application Property ApplyDefaultQueue to "Do not assign email to the default queue". In the versaSRS Database table "tbl_MailBoxes" define the Mailbox Settings.
MyHome Define whether a custom "My Home" view is to be used instead of the standard
MyHomeMain Defines the main URL for custom "My Home" view
MyHomeNavigation Defines the navigation URL for custom "My Home" view
NotifyOnClose Sets the default state of the 'Send closed confirmation email to requestor on log' checkbox (Case Details window).
Options = Checked, Unchecked
NotifyOnOpen Sets the default state of the 'Send open confirmation email to requestor on log' checkbox (Case Details window)
Options = Checked, Unchecked
NotifyOwnerOnEmailUpdateFromRequestor Governs whether an email notification is sent to the Owner of the Case indicating that an email update has been received from the Requestor(s)
Options = Notify Owner, Do not notify Owner
NotifyParentCall Notify parent Case if child Case has been closed
NotifyParentChangeRequest Notify parent RFC if child RFC has been closed
NotifyParentProblem Notify parent Problem if child Problem has been closed
OAuthClientID Define the OAuth ClientID to be used with the account set for SMTPAccount, also known as the ApplicationID in some instances
OAuthClientSecret Define the secret password declared for the corresponding ClientID/ApplicationID
OAuthScopes Define the available scope(s) used to limit versaSRS's access to the email accounts
OAuthTenantID Define which Azure Active Directory to connect to when using Office 365
OwnerIsCallWatcher Governs whether the Owner of the Case is automatically assigned as a Case Watcher
PageSize The number of Cases displayed per page.
Note: the maximum value is 200
PasswordResetTemplateID Select from the available list the Case update template you wish to use for sending out password reset instructions
PreviewPane Sets the default contents of the System's Preview Pane
PriorityDueDateChangedPrompt Governs whether the system displays an optional user prompt to add comments when the Priority or due date if the Case is altered
PriorityDueDateChangedPromptChildOverride Enable or disable the Priority Due Date Changed Prompt for child Cases. This only applies when PriorityDueDateChangedPrompt is enabled.
PriorityEscalation Each time a Case is escalated, the Priority is escalated (decreased by 1). The Case Priority will never go below 1.
ProblemTagPrefix Defines the Problem tag prefix
ProblemTagSuffix Defines the Problem tag suffix
ProcessMailBody Governs how the body of an inbound email is processed by the versaSRSMailIn Windows service
ProxyDomain Domain required for authentication to your proxy server. This may be required by the system when accessing a remote versaSRS Web Service.
ProxyPassword Password required for authentication to your proxy server. This may be required by the system when accessing a remote versaSRS Web Service.
ProxyPort The port of your proxy server. This may be required by the system when accessing a remote versaSRS Web Service.
Default = 8080
ProxyURL URL of your proxy server. This may be required by the system when accessing a remote versaSRS Web Service.
ProxyUsername Username required for authentication to your proxy server. This may be required by the system when accessing a remote versaSRS Web Service.
ReadingPane Sets the default visibility of the System's Reading Pane.
Note: The visibility of the Reading Pane is maintained between user sessions.
Options = Visible, Hidden
RedirectQueue Defines the unique QueueID for Case Redirection. Any email update to an existing Case that contains the Redirect Tag within the Subject of the email will be logged within the Team defined by RedirectTeam.
The value of -1 indicates that this feature is disabled.
Note: A link will be automatically established between the two Cases.
RedirectTag Defines the Tag that will trigger an email update to an existing Case to be redirected
Refresh1 The number of seconds the system will wait before the interface is updated.
Default = 60
Region Controls the display and input format of dates within the system
ReminderUpdateTemplateID Defines the Update Template to be used when creating reminder messages/announcements for "Cases", "Problems", "RFC's" or "Tasks"
RemoveDomainFromUsername Governs whether the DOMAIN is removed from DOMAIN\USERNAME when the system is configured for Windows authentication
RenderEMLAttachments Defined whether EML attachments should be rendered via versaSRS or opened by Operating System
ReOpenClosed When enabled an email reply to a Closed Case will change the Status to Re-Opened. When disabled, any follow up emails will be logged to the Case and the Status will remain Closed.
The only exception to this setting is if there is a failure to send an email from the Case, it will bounce back and Re-Open the Case.
RestrictQueueAssignment Restrict Team Record Assignment to allow only those a system user is a member of
RouteCcAsTo Enable/Disable "Cc" field as "To" field
SearchModule Governs the System Search module.
Options = Default Search Module, Full Text Search (Requires MS SQL Full Text indexing to be applied on the versaSRS Database
SearchPageSize The number of search records displayed per page
Note: the maximum value is 200.
SearchPostMonth Defines the default End Date of the search module. With a default value of 1 it will set the End Date to 1 Month from the current date
SearchPreMonth Defines the default Start Date of the search module. With a default value of 2 it will set the Start Date to 2 months prior to the current date.
ServiceRefresh Refresh rate of the versaSRS windows services (in seconds).
Default = 60
ShowCallComments Sets the default state of the 'Show comments' checkbox of the Case History (Printer Friendly) window
ShowCallTools Governs the visibility of the Case tools icons
ShowCorrespondenceHistory Sets the default state of the Show correspondence history checkbox of the Case History (Printer Friendly) window
ShowCustomButtonBar Governs the default state of the Custom Button Bar (lower left interface buttons).
Options = Minimized, Maximized
ShowPriorityLabel Governs whether the Case Priority label is displayed against the Priority value throughout the system
Options = Disable display of Case Priority label, Enable display of Case Priority label
ShowProblemTools Governs the visibility of the Problem tools icons
ShowTutorialOnStartup Defines whether the versaChat module is enabled in versaSRS. Note: If this is enabled, SRSConnect EnableChat is required to be enabled for each instance too.
SMTPAccount The email account/username to be used for outgoing mail
SMTPAuthentication Governs the type of authentication used
Options = Disabled, AuthLogin, CramMD5, SASL
SMTPDateHeaderFormat SMTP Date Header Format ("ddd, dd MMMMMMMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss")
SMTPDateHeaderTimeZone Defines the originating Timezone of sent mail(" +0930" (Note: ensure white space prefix))
SMTPLog Governs whether SMTP logging is enabled.
Note: SMTP logs are written to the file VersaSRSMailOutSMTPLog.txt located within the folder defined by TempFolder.
SMTPPassword The password used by the account set for SMTPAccount
SMTPPort Port number for SMTP server
SMTPReplyTo The reply to email address when sending generic emails from versaSRS
SMTPRetries Ability to specify the number of retries when sending an email
SMTPServer Name or IP address of SMTP server
  • Example 1: localhost
  • Example 2:
  • Example 3:
SMTPStartTLS Enable SMTP SSL/TLS (Only applies if SMTP SSL/TLS is not set to "None")
SQLCommandTimeout The timeout value for executing SQL Command
SysAdminEmail Email address of the system administrator.
Messages generated by the system include the email address of the System Administrator. This allows a system user to request support via email.
SysServiceDomain Domain required for authentication to the versaSRS Ticket Issuing Web Service
SysServicePassword Password required for authentication to the versaSRS Ticket Issuing Web Service
SysServiceTimeout versaSRS Web Service Timeout in milliseconds
Default = 6000
SysServiceURL URL to versaSRS Ticket Issuing Web Service.
SysServiceUserName Username required for authentication to the versaSRS Ticket Issuing Web Service
TaskEmailUpdateParent Parent record to be updated when a task has an email update
TaskEscalation Governs whether Tasks are automatically escalated
TaskTagPrefix Defines the task tag prefix
TaskTagSuffix Defines the task tag suffix
TempFolder Full path and file name of a temporary folder for storage of system log files
TesseractLanguage The language to use when scanning PDF and Images using Tesseract OCR engine
UNPWDEncryption Controls how passwords are stored within the database
Options = Encrypted, Decrypted
UpdateContactModule Governs the Contact Module available to the Case Update module.
Options = Reserved, versaSRS Contacts
UpdateDueDateOnEmailUpdate Governs whether the due date of a Case is updated when an email is received for a current Case
UserAccessAudit Enabling this feature will allow further access audit logging. The following are some examples of what will be recorded:
  • Who viewed which record and when?
  • Who ran which report and when?
  • Who made changes to the system/Team configuration and updated user details? etc...
UserPasswordComplexity Allows an Administrator to define a regular expression to check for and enforce password complexity when using Forms Authentication. On the next line down, write the text to display for invalid password detection.
UserPasswordExpiryDays The number of days a user password must be reset after it was last updated
VersaAssets Defines whether the assets module versaAssets is enabled.
Note: VersaAssets (integrated with Microsoft SMS) does not ship as a standard module of VersaSRS. Please contact VersaDev for further details.
VersaAssetsDSN Defines the VersaAssets database connection string when VersaAssets is "Enabled"
versaChat Defines whether the versaChat module is enabled in versaSRS. Note: If this is enable, SRSConnect EnableChat is required to be enabled for each instance too.
versaChatLogCallOnClosure Defines whether the system should automatically log a Case when a versaChat session is completed
versaCRMContactLookupQuery Defines the versaCRM contact lookup query when logging Cases via versaCRM. Note: CRMModule must be set to "Use versaCRM Application" and versaCRM needs to be installed.
versaSRSImageViewerURL Defines the external URL where images in watcher notifications can be rendered correctly if not on the internal network
versaSRSURL Defines the base URL for versaSRS. This value can be used to determine the relative path of other modules.
versaSurveyDSN Defines the Survey module database connection string
versaSurveys Governs whether versaSurvey is enabled or disabled, and whether the Classic or versaForms survey module is in use
versaSurveyURL Defines the URL to where surveys created by versaSurvey can be viewed
VIPColor Defines the hex colour code that will be used to indicate a VIP contact.
Refer to VIP Tag settings
Default = #C00000
VIPTag Defines the VIP tag text.
If the text defined by the VIP Tag is found within the Username field of the Primary or Secondary requestor Username field of a Case, the Requestor(s) name will be displayed in bold within the Cases list, the colour defined by the VIPColor setting defines the colour displayed.
WarrantyNotification Defines the relationship between the Case Logged date and the Asset Warranty Expiry date.
Example: value = -1440 (The Case Logged date will be 24 hours prior to the Warranty Expiry date).
WarrantyNotificationTemplateID Defines the Case Template to be used when creating Warranty Notification Cases via the assets module. This feature is only available to VersaAssets.
WebMailURL URL for Microsoft's Outlook Web Access.
WeeksAvailableInTimesheet Defined the number of weeks the timesheet is available for entering

SRSConnect Global Settings

Application Property Details
AllowedQueues Define a comma separated list of TeamIDs for which the requests will be retrieved from. SRSConnect Access checkbox must also be ticked in the Team General settings.
AllowSecondaryRequestor Secondary requestor is allowed to view requests too
AllowSignup Allow customers using this portal to create their own account
AppendTaskNotes Determine whether the notes and resolution in Task update be appended or replaced by clients
ApplyCustomRoutingRules Enables Custom Routing Rules
ApplyQueueRestrictions Filter Teams
AppTitle Application title displayed within browsers title bar
AssignToOrganizationGUID Default sign up contact to this organisation
CanManageProfile Define whether the end users have the ability to update their CRM record
CheckBodyForHTML Define whether the system will check the email body for HTML content or treat as plain text
ClientAliasEmailQuery The SQL query to identify the client's alias email address
ClientDomain Define the domain an email contains which will be given access
ClientReminderQuery CRM database connection string
ClientValidationConnectionString SQL connection string which will connect to the contacts validation query
ClientValidationMode Define whether validation mode is based on Windows or Forms authentication
ClientValidationQuery Define the query used to validate if a user can access SRSConnect
ClientValidationVersaCRM Define whether versaCRM validation to be used or not
CompanyName Define your company name
CorporateLogo The relative path to your corporate logo
DefaultDashboard Select the default versaBoard to display
DefaultLanguageID Default language for SRSConnect Interface
DomainRestriction Only email address with the specified domain name can sign up for this portal
EmailToDB Sets the default Update Type of the Case Update window
EnableApprovals Defines whether the approval module is enabled
EnableAssets Defines whether the Assets module is enabled
EnableCalendar Defines whether the calendar module is enabled
EnableCallComments Allow end users to add comments
EnableChat Enabling versaChat Client will provide your customers the ability to chat to your agents (LIVE SUPPORT)
EnableDashboard Determine if Dashboard reporting should be enabled or not
EnableDDPCNotification Determine if "Due Date Priority Change" correspondence history be displayed or not
EnableDocuments Defines whether the documents module is enabled
EnableEmailSent Determine if "Email Sent" correspondence history be displayed or not
EnableFaxSent Determine if "Fax Sent" correspondence history be displayed or not
EnableForms Defines whether the forms module is enabled
EnableHotNews When enabled Hot News posts from versaSRS are displayed within SRSConnect
EnableKB Defines whether the Knowledgebase module is enabled
EnableLoginSignupCaptcha Define whether or not versaCaptcha code for sign-up & login verification is enabled
EnableResolveAndClose Determine if "Resolve And Close" correspondence history be displayed or not
EnableServiceCatalogue Determine if Service Catalogue should be enabled or not
EnableTaskComments Allow end users to add comments to task
EnableTasks Defines whether the task module is enabled
EnforceMFA Define whether Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is enforced or not when using forms authentication. If this is enforced, Users logging in will need to input a verification code from an authenticator app or email as a second pass to validate their login.
HomeLoginNote Allows you to add customised text on your Home page, double-clicking this area will display the HTML editor where you can customise the appearance of the text
HotNewsQueueID Define the Team from where the "Hot News" are to be derived from
LoginNote Allows you to add customised login text on your Login page, double-clicking this area will display the HTML editor where you can customise the appearance of the text
MailFrom From address of any emails sent by SRSConnect
MailServer Governs whether the system Update Type, "Resolve And Close", sends an Email to the Requestor(s)
MailSubject The default "Subject" used for any new requests
MailTo To address for SRSConnect requests, used when EmailToDB is set to Disabled
NewCallTemplateID When logging a new request, use the template selected below to log the request
OAuthClientID Define the OAuth ClientID to be used with the account set for SMTPAccount, also known as the ApplicationID in some instances
OAuthClientSecret Define the secret password declared for the corresponding ClientID/ApplicationID
OAuthScopes Define the available scope(s) used to limit versaSRS's access to the email accounts
OAuthTenantID Define which Azure Active Directory to connect to when using Office 365
PageSize Number of records to display per page
PasswordComplexity Allows an Administrator to define a regular expression to check for and enforce password complexity when using Forms Authentication. On the next line down, write the text to display for invalid password detection.
PasswordExpiryDays The number of days a User's password must be reset after it was last updated
PasswordReminderTemplateID Select from the available list the Case update template you wish to use for sending out password reset instructions
Region Controls the display and input format of dates within SRSConnect
RemoveDomainFromUsername Defines whether the domain name from "Windows" login be removed before checking username in system
ShowCallComments Determine if Case comments are displayed or not
ShowCorrespondenceHistory Determine if request correspondence history is displayed or not
ShowLogout Define whether the logout button be displayed on the interface or not
ShowTaskComments Determine if the task comments history is displayed or not
ShowTaskCorrespondenceHistory Determine if the task correspondence history is displayed or not
SignupLinkText Add customised sign up text to your Login page
SignupNote Add customised sign up note on your Sign up page
SiteURL The URL which is used to access SRSConnect
SMTPAccount The email account/username to be used for sending mail
SMTPAuthentication The type of authentication used
SMTPPassword The password used by the set SMTPAccount
SMTPPort Port number for SMTP server
SMTPSSL Set whether SMTPAccount uses SMTP SSL or not
SMTPTimeout SMTP server timeout in seconds
SysAdminEmail Define the System Administrator's email address
UploadPath Redundant Setting - Do not remove or alter. System Reserved - (READ ONLY)
WelcomeNote Add customised welcome text to your Home page, unlike HomeLoginNote this text will still be visible after a User logs in
WelcomeTemplateID Select from the list below a Case Update template you wish to use, when sending out emails to your customers after they register. Use the tag [SITEURL] in your template to replace it with the SiteURL property.