
Video Tutorial

versaChat allows contacts and external Users to chat with internal versaSRS Users through SRSConnect. They can logon through the chat window displayed on SRSConnect.

The 'versaChatWebService' is setup as an application is IIS. Please ensure that the URL defined in the versaSRS web.config file (C:\Program Files (x86)\VersaDev\versaSRS\versaChatWebAPI\Web.config) is the correct URL as per IIS.

When logged in they can communicate with users that are logged into the versaChat interface within versaSRS.

The versaSRS users logon to versaChat in the bottom right hand side of the screen.

Double click on the name within versaChat to join the chat room.

When a chat with an external User is complete it can be turned into a versaSRS case by clicking the Case icon. Alternatively a new case can be created upon initialising a chat by setting the '<add key="LogCallOnStart" value="1" />' in the Web.config file for (versaChatWebAPI).

From versaSRS version 7.1 versaChat now supports copy and pasting images into the chat window.

A Rating Request can be sent to the external chat participant by clicking on the Star Icon. This will allow the recipient to rate the quality of their chat experience.