Problem Overview

Video Tutorial


In line with ITIL standards, Problems have been included in versaSRS as an individual component separate from Cases or RFC's though they share many attributes.
A Problem is defined as "the unknown cause of one or more incidents".

Problem records can be created by selecting the New item icon on the Navigation Header and Problem from the listed choices.

A Problem has a required set of fields and a number of possible actions that can be performed. To create a new Problem, only the mandatory fields (denoted by a * in the below tables) must be completed before the Problem can be created. Problems can be edited at any time.
For Users to be able to create new or edit existing Problems they need to be assigned a Security Profile with the correct level of access.

NOTE: It is possible to change the default labels for the visible fields and the drop-down list values that are available within the Problem Tabs. Due to this those in your system may differ from those shown below.


This tab is where the primary information about the Problem is contained and the categorisations set.
The fields/controls available in the Details tab are as follows:

Field Description
Subject * The issue reported by Business personnel
Details A more detailed description of the issue raised
Logged By This field is automatically populated by the application with the details of the User who originally logged the Problem
Problem Type The Type of Problem, selected from the drop-down options
Received By The method by which the Problem was received, populated from the drop-down options
Team * The Team the Problem is to be assigned to, selected from available Teams in the drop-down list
Skill GroupThe Skill Group that the Problem is to be assigned to, selected from available Skill Groups in the drop-down
UserThe User the Problem is to be assigned to, selected from available Users in the drop-down list
UrgencyThe Urgency of the Problem, selected from the drop-down list
RiskThe Risk of the Problem, selected from the drop-down list
Priority *The Priority to be given to this Problem (sets the required response/resolution time), selected from the available drop-down list options
Key 1The primary sorting qualifier for the Problem, selected from the available drop-down list options
Key 2The secondary sorting qualifier for the Problem, selected from the available drop-down list options
Key 3 The tertiary sorting qualifier for the Problem, selected from the available drop-down list options
Due Date * The date the Problem is due to be completed
Estimated Solution Date An estimated solution date may be earlier or later than above
Product Type The Product Type related to the Problem, selected from the available drop-down list options
Product The Product related to the Problem, selected from the available drop-down list options
Impact Specifies the severity of the impact of the Problem, selected from the available drop-down list options
Service Area The Service Area to which the Problem relates, selected from the available drop-down list options
Symptom Code Specifies the type of symptom related to the Problem, selected from the available drop-down list options
Cause Code Specifies the cause related to the Problem, selected from the available drop-down list options

The icon functionality available is as follows:

Icon Description
Queue Work Load Shows the current work load (amount of Problems assigned) for each User in the Team
Watchers Shows the current Watchers assigned to the Problem
Access Rights Deny/Grant access to the Record for specific Users that are in the Team
Knowledgebase Search Automatically searches the Knowledgebase for articles that match the selected Key Set
Calendar Allows you to set/change the Due Date and Est. Soln Date

For information about the icons available on the Problem Toolbar please click here.

There are also custom fields which are hidden and can be displayed via the "Expand for more options" arrow next to the Logged By field.
These fields can be used to store additional data, making them easy to report on using the Reporting Dashboard.

Client Details

This tab contains the Client Details of the Primary and Secondary Requestors for the Problem. These details can be selected from the versaCRM and all available fields auto-filled.
The fields in the Client Details tab are as follows:

Field Description
Company The Company that the Requestor is from
Job Title The job title of the Requestor
First Name * The Requestor's first name
Last Name * The Requestor's surname
Email * The Requestor's email address
Phone The Requestor's phone number
Division The Requestor's division within the Company
Department The Requestor's department within the Company
Location The Requestor's location
Computer The name of the Requestor's computer
Username This field relates to the VIPTag and VIPColor Application Property fields in the Global Settings.
When the VIPTag and VIPColor fields are defined in the Global Settings, and the VIPTag text is entered into the Username field of the Problem, the Requestor's name will appear bold and coloured in the Problem listing.

The icon functionality available is as follows:

Icon Description
Add Contact If the Primary Requestor is not a known versaCRM Contact this icon will be displayed allowing you to quickly create a versaCRM Contact record for them
Browse Contacts Brings up the Address Book allowing you to search for and select the Requestor automatically inputting all relevant fields
Copy Requestor Copies the Primary Requestor details to the Secondary Requestor details or vice versa
Clear Information Removes all information from the Requestor fields
Go to Organisation If the Company field contains an existing versaCRM Organisation clicking this icon will take you directly to the record
Billable Times Displays calculated overview of the current Billable totals for all Problems belonging to the Organisation for the current Year/Month/Week
Go to Contact Takes you directly to the Requestors versaCRM Contact record


This tab is for Assessment purposes and allows the recording of key factors related to the Case.
The fields in the Assessment tab are as follows:

Field Description
Business Impact Analysis This field allows entry of the Business Impact Analysis (BIA) related to the Problem
Product Loss This field allows entry of the Product Loss related to the Problem
Technical Resources This field allows entry for the Technical Resources relevant to the Problem

Root Cause

This tab is where the Root Cause of the Problem is recorded.
The fields in the Root Cause tab are as follows:

Field Description
Date Determined The date when the Root Cause of the Problem is determined
Time Spent Time spent determining the Root Cause of the Problem
Determined By The User that determined the Root Cause of the Problem
Root Cause Code The category of the Root Cause of the Problem
Known Error If checked, indicates that the Root Cause is a Known Error
Root Cause Text field allowing entry of the Root Cause details


This tab is where the Workaround for the Problem is recorded. A Workaround is defined as reducing or eliminating the impact of a Problem for which a full resolution is not available.
The fields in the Workaround tab are as follows:

Field Description
Date Created The date when the Work Around of the Problem is determined
Time Spent Time spent determining the Work Around of the Problem
Created By The User that determined the Work Around of the Problem
Category The category of the Work Around of the Problem
Title The title of the Work Around
Workaround Text field allowing entry of the Work Around details


This tab contains the Solution of the Problem. This allows a Solution to be entered and viewed easily by Users.
The fields/controls in the Solution tab are as follows:

Field/Control Description
Solution Allows the solution of the Problem to be entered
Initial Solution Type Depending on what is selected it will enable or disable the Send Open/Closed confirmation checkboxes to suit the circumstance. Only applies when creating New Problems. There are three selections available which are Not Resolved, Workaround and Resolved.
Send open confirmation checkbox Checking this will cause the Open Confirmation email (set in the Team Settings) to be sent when the Problem is logged. Only applies when creating New Problems only and the Initial Solution Type is set to either Not Resolved or Workaround.
Send closed confirmation checkbox Checking this will cause the Closed Confirmation email (set in the Team Settings) to be sent when the Problem is logged/closed. Only applies when creating New Problems and the Initial Solution Type is set to Resolved.


This tab contains the list of Problems which have been made a Child or Parent of the Problem.
Double clicking the record will take you to the Parent/Child Problem. A Parent/Child link can be created by right-clicking on the Parent Record listing and selecting Tools >> Link to Child from the menu.


This tab allows the creation of a link between Problems, Cases, and RFC's as well as showing the current links already established.
Unlike a Child/Parent relationship a Link does not have to be of the same record type (i.e. Case, Problem, RFC) and is just a connection between two or more entities with no implied hierarchy.

The fields/controls in the Links tab are as follows:

Field/Control Description
Page left and right arrows Changes page if the number of links on the Problem require multiple pages to display
Record Type drop-down The type of Record that is to be added (i.e. Case, Problem, RFC)
Record ID field Text field to input the numeric ID of the Record that is to be linked to the Problem
Add button Adds the Record that has been specified in the previous two fields
Remove button Removes the selected linked Record from the Problem


This tab maintains a record of all Forms that have been associated with the Problem.
The controls in the Forms tab are as follows:

Control Description
Refresh button Refreshes the page showing the most up to date display of the Forms within the Problem
Select button Allows selection of a Form to add to the Problem
Delete button Removes the Form from the Problem


This tab allows the linking of an Asset to a Problem as well as showing the current Assets that are already linked.
The fields/controls in the Assets tab are as follows:

Field/Control Description
Page left and right arrows Changes page if the number of Assets on the Problem requires multiple pages to display
Asset ID drop-down This drop-down list allows the selection of the Asset reference type that will be used to link the Asset
Asset ID field Text field to input the numeric ID of the Asset that is to be linked to the Problem
Add button When the ID has been entered the User can click Add to link the Asset to the Problem
Search button This can be used to search for Assets that have been created in the system
Remove button Removes the Asset from the Problem


This tab allows the creation of Tasks as well as listing all of the Tasks that have already been created for a Problem.
The options in the Tasks tab are as follows:

Option Description
Timeline Clicking this will display a timeline of the Tasks against the Problem
Workflow Allows Tasks to be added as Workflow Tasks, meaning that they are sequential Tasks that need to be completed in order
New button Allows creation of a new Task to add to the Problem
Refresh button Refreshes the page showing the most up to date display of the Tasks in the Problem


This tab allows Billing information to be entered. Billing information can only be edited by performing a Problem Update.
The fields/controls in the Billing tab are as follows:

Field/Control Description
Company This drop-down allows the selection of the Primary or Secondary Requestor to be used as the Company to which the billing applies
No Charge Specifies if work done on the Problem is not to be charged for the Company
No of Transactions Allows the User to enter the number of transactions that occur on the Problem
Estimate Allows the User to enter an estimated time for resolution
Time Billed Allows the User to enter the actual time that will be billed for a single transaction
Set as Cumulative checkbox If checked, will set the Time Billed row as the Cumulative amount
Cumulative Sums up the total amount of time worked on the Problem
Audit Log Cumulative Aggregates the Log Time for Updates to a Problem
$ Charge Specifies the amount charged for the Problem
$ Quote Specifies the amount quoted for the Problem
Set As Charge Sets the $ Quote amount to be the $ Charge amount
Ref. Num The billing reference number related to the Problem
Notes Allows the User to enter plain text notes


This tab shows the Printer Friendly view and is a summary of the main details and correspondence for the Problem.
The controls in the Summary tab are as follows:

Control Description
Show comments checkbox If checked, will display Comments made within the Problem in the Summary view
Show confidential comments checkbox If checked, will display Confidential Comments made within the Problem in the Summary view
Show correspondence history checkbox If checked, will display the Correspondence History (email correspondence) within the Problem in the Summary view
Show Telephone Calls And Meetings If checked, will display the Telephone Calls and Meetings within the Problem in the Summary view
Refresh button Refreshes the page to display the most up to date representation of the Summary view. If checking or unchecking the display options you need to click Refresh to see the change
Print button Prints the Summary view
Show All button Checks all of the display option fields and refreshes the page


This tab contains the Audit history of the Problem.
There are five tabs within the History tab which are as follows:

Tab Description
History This tab shows all of the available audit log history for the Problem
Comments History This tab shows the audit log history for Comments only
Correspondence History This tab shows the audit log history for Correspondence only
Alert History This tab shows the audit log history for Alerts (i.e. Due Date Alert) only
Attachments This tab shows all of the attachments on the Problem