Closed Confirmation Emails

A Closed Confirmation email is an email that can be sent to the Requestor(s) upon closing a Case, Problem, or RFC. It notifies the Requestor(s) that the work has been completed and the record closed.

The Closed Confirmation Template is managed in the Team Settings. To Manage Teams in versaSRS select the Manage Teams icon from the versaSpinner - Administrators tab.

In the Team Settings within the Case Templates, Problem Templates, and RFC Templates tabs, the Closed Confirmation templates can be found.

A Closed Confirmation email will be sent to the Requestor(s) provided:

When closing a Case, Problem, or RFC, the User can prevent the Requestor(s) receiving a Closed Confirmation email by deselecting the Send closed confirmation email radio button.

The email is based on a template known as the 'Closed Confirmation'. This template is individually defined for each Team. Consequently, the email that is sent is governed by the Team that the email originates from.

The Closed Confirmation Template is defined by a Subject and a Message, if either of these fields are blank the correspondence will not be sent.
An example is given below:

Case Closed Confirmation Subject Example:

Closed Confirmation Notification - Case Number [CALLID].

NOTE: In the above example the System Tag [CALLID] will be replaced with the appropriate Case number, resulting in an email subject line that may look like this:

Closed Confirmation Notification - Case Number 900146.

The Closed Confirmation emails can be created by double clicking the message box, which will display the HTML Editor allowing a user with no HTML experience to construct the message which is then converted to HTML in the message box.

Case Closed Confirmation example email:

Thank you for your recent request to VersaDev Support.

This message has been sent to you because the VersaDev support staff member responsible for your support Case believes that it is now resolved.

The original generated support Case was in relation to:


If you wish to re-open this support Case, because you consider that further work or information is needed, or for any other reason, please reply to this email.

The support Case will be re-opened and the information you provide will be added to it.

We strive to provide excellent customer service. If you have any comments or questions about the handling of this Case, please feel free to send an email message to, making note of the Case number concerned as part of your message.


The VersaDev Support Team

NOTE: In the above example the System Tag [PROBLEM] will be replaced with the corresponding Case field.