
Video Tutorial


A structured Workflow can be created for Tasks in versaSRS. It allows a Successor Task to be triggered based on completion of a Predecessor Task.

A workflow can be applied directly on a Case by adding Tasks in the Tasks tab or a Case Template can be created with a specified Workflow that can be saved and applied to Cases as required.

Creating a Workflow Template

1. Select the versaSRS Spinner icon and under the Templates & Scheduling tab click the Case Templates option.

2. Create a new Case Template or Edit an existing one

3. On the Case Template select the Tasks Tab and Apply Tasks.

New Tasks can be added by clicking the Select button and choosing the Task to add.

4. Create the Workflow order for the Tasks.

Once the required Tasks are added the Workflow button can be pressed to set the Workflow order as shown below.

5. Set the Task Logged and Due Dates

By clicking on the calendar icon to the left side of each Task will allow the Task Logged Dates and Due Dates to be specified. The dates are specified relative to other dates existing on the Task or Parent record.

The Task Logged Date can be relative to Now, Parent Record Logged Date, Parent Record Due Date and Predecessor Task Completion Date.

The Task Due Date can be relative to Parent Record Logged Date, Parent Record Due Date and Task Logged Date.

NOTE: If setting the Task Logged Date to be relative to Predecessor Task Completion Date then it will cause the Task to go into a dormant state until the predecessor is complete as per the warning message that will be displayed.

Applying Workflow to a Case

1. Open the Case and Apply Task Workflow.

Open a Case and within the Case click Tools >> Add Tasks / Workflow from Template.

Use the alphabet navigator to find the appropriate Workflow template.

Select a template and click 'Apply'.

2. Initiate Workflow

Browse to The Tasks tab to view the applied Workflow.

Open the first Task then select “Send / re-send task notification".

This initiates the workflow and a task notification will go to the task assignee group.

Now select “Save & Close”, then also Close the Case.