Managing Key Sets

Primary, Secondary, or Tertiary Keys need to be created before they are assigned to specific Teams, this is done by selecting the Manage Key icons within the versa Spinner - Administrators tab.

Keys can be created or edited as required.
Editing a Key will result in all current and historic Cases containing this value now displaying the change.
NOTE: We do not recommend removing Keys as this will result in any current and historic Cases containing this value now displaying a blank field.

Once a Key has been created it is available to be added as part of a Key Set to a specific Team.

To add a Key Set to a Team, access the Team Settings through the versa Spinner - Administrators tab, select the Team and click the Key Sets button.
Key Set combinations are then added by selecting the required combination in the drop-down boxes. Default Priority, Case Template and an Update Template can also be applied to each individual Key Set.