versaSRS Security Profiles

Video Tutorial


Security Profiles are used to grant levels of authorisation by which particular Users have more permissions to manage modules of the application than others.

An Administrator can manage the versaSRS Security Profiles by selecting the Manage Security Profiles icon from the versaSpinner - Security tab.

The System Security Profiles screen displays each Security Profile and allows for new Profiles to be added. Upon selection the Security Profiles will show what permissions are allowed or denied. These permissions can be changed by selecting the appropriate radio button to Allow or Deny.

Assigning Security Profiles

For Users to be able to create new or edit existing Cases they need to be assigned a Security Profile. If a User is not assigned a Security Profile then all Cases will be opened in Read-Only mode.

To assign a Security Profile to a User select a Team and click the User Skill Groups button.

On the Manage Team / User - Skill Groups screen select the User from the User drop-down. Then select the required Profile from the Security Profile drop-down. Click Apply to save the changes.