
Video Tutorial


Assets can be scanned and managed in versaSRS as well as associated with Records (Cases, Problems, RFC's, Tasks). Assets can be added manually, imported, or discovered on the network by the versaAssetsAgent Companion Tool. Any User who has the Can Manage Assets checkbox ticked within their User Profile is able to manage Assets within versaSRS.

Assets are accessed from the Asset Search module which is available in the versaSpinner - Manage tab.

This will display the Asset Search window within the Preview Pane.

On the Asset Search window Assets can be searched for, then edited by double clicking on the Asset. New Assets () can also be created here, and the Network Diagram viewed.

When an Asset is opened the Asset Window will be displayed which contains several fields and tabs to categorise and display information about the Asset.
The Asset Audit History will be visible across all tabs within the Asset Window.

The following will outline the tabs and fields available within each Asset. The OK, Cancel, and Apply buttons exist on every tab, they are used to facilitate the "Save and Exit", "Exit", and "Save" functionality that is available within the Record views.

General Tab

The General tab shows key details about the Asset; the following fields are available:

Field Description
Asset ID The main Asset ID / Name of the Asset
Manufacturer Drop down list depicting the manufacturer of the Asset.
You can add new (and edit) Manufacturers for Assets via the System Tables interface.
Type The type of the Asset, cannot be changed once set.
You can add new (and edit) Type labels for Assets via the System Tables interface, the Details tab for custom Assets is the same as the Default.
Status What state the Asset is in currently.
You can add new (and edit) Status labels for Assets via the System Tables interface.
Serial # The Serial Number of the Asset
Quantity The Quantity of the Asset
Model The Model of the Asset
Asset Tag Free text for the Asset Tag
Computer Name The name of the computer (if it is one)
Is Computer Checkbox to depict if the Asset is a computer
Diagram When clicked will display the Network Diagram for the Asset
Location The location of the Asset
Configuration / Installation Details Text area to record notes against the Asset for the Configuration / Installation Details


The fields that are available in the Details Tab differ depending on the Type of Asset, each assignable type is mentioned below:


Field Description
Details Text area to add further information about the Asset

Mobile Phone

Field Description
Mobile Number Number currently assigned to Mobile Phone Asset
Account Number Account number for Mobile Phone Asset
IMEI Number used by service providers to uniquely identify valid devices
Accessories Text area to record any accessories for the Asset

Software (Group)

Field Description
Product Name The name of the Product
Product Version The version of the Product
Storage Name The Storage name
Storage Location The location the software is stored
Licenses The number of licences associated with the Asset
Licenses Detected Number of licences detected
Check Licenses Checkbox indicating whether the licence(s) should be checked
License Type The type of licence associated with the Asset
License Keys The License Keys
Media Quantity Drop-down indicating the number owned

Purchase / Sale

The following fields are available in the Purchase / Sale tab:

Field Description
Purchase Date The Purchase Date of the Asset
Supplier The Supplier of the Asset.
If required these can be added to the System Tables interface which will allow you to add new (and edit) the available Supplier's.
Purchase Price The Purchase Price of the Asset
Purchase Invoice The Purchase Invoice of the Asset
Sale Date The Sale Date of the Asset
Sold To The person or company that the Asset was Sold To.
If required these can be added to the System Tables interface which will allow you to add new (and edit) the available Sold To options.
Sale Price The Sale Price of the Asset
Invoice The Invoice for the Sale of the Asset
Current Value The Current Value of the Asset
Total Service Cost The Total Service Cost of the Asset
Total Depreciation The Total Depreciation amount of the Asset


The following fields are available in the Lease tab:

Field Description
Leased From Who the Asset was Leased From
Schedule The Lease Schedule for the Asset
Start Date The Start Date of the Lease
Expiry Date The Expiry Date of the Lease


The following fields are available in the Warranty tab:

Field Description
Warranty Type The type of Warranty associated with the Asset
Under Warranty Checkbox indicating if the Asset is currently under Warranty
Start Date The Start Date of the Warranty
Expiry Date The Expiry Date of the Warranty
Notify Button The Notify Button can send a Notification to a specified person or group when the Warranty is going to expire
Warranty Details The Details of the Warranty

Assigned To

The following fields are available in the Assigned To tab:

Field Description
Asset Assignment Allows the Asset to be assigned to a versaCRM Contact and auto-fill the fields with the Contact's available information
Title The Title of the Assignee
Company The Company of the Assignee
First The First Name of the Assignee
Job Title The Job Title of the Assignee
Middle The Middle Name of the Assignee
Division The Division of the Assignee
Last The Last Name of the Assignee
Department The Department of the Assignee
Known As The Known As title for the Assignee
Location The Location of the Assignee
Phone The Phone Number of the Assignee
Ext. The Phone Ext. of the Assignee
Fax The Fax number of the Assignee
Mobile The Mobile number of the Assignee
Email Button Button to send Email to the Address specified (will open the default email client on your machine)
Email The Email Address of the Assignee


The following fields are available in the Links tab:

Control Description
Asset # Specifies the field used to link the Asset
Asset # field Text field to enter the Asset # to link
Create Link This button will create the Link to the Asset based on the ID entered.
There can only be one existing link per Asset, if a linked Asset is added as a link to an alternate Asset the original association will be removed.

Record History

This displays the Records associated with the Asset.
The following fields are available in the Record History tab:

Control Description
Paging Page left or right or select a page from the drop-down


The following fields are available in the Notes tab:

Field Description
Text Area Text Area to record notes against the Asset


Allows attachments to be added to the Asset.
The following fields are available in the Attachments tab:

Control Description
Add Attachment Button to add Attachments to the Asset
Refresh Button to Refresh the Attachment list