versaSRS Main Window

Video Tutorial


The versaSRS Main Window has been redesigned in version 7 to offer a more modern look and feel to assist with ease of navigation. Following on below is a quick breakdown about each navigational area and the functions available from them, the Administration section within the Contents menu of the Online Help contains more detailed information.

Navigation Header

The Navigation Header is located along the top of versaSRS, functionality on the left side offers a Quick Search that quickly finds and lists Records (Cases, Problems, RFC's, Tasks) within the system relating to an input search term, as well as the Record # search that takes a User directly to the matching record ID (number) entered.

The icons on the right side provide a way to quickly create new objects, navigate menu areas like Online Help, Full Screen mode, Alert Notifications, customise your User Profile, and access the versaSRS Global Settings, and System Info.
NOTE: The User Type assigned to each User's profile will determine whether the Cog icon on the far right is available to the User.

From version 7.1.1 there is included functionality to also display a Stopwatch, for quick time keeping of calls, meeting lengths, and anything else you may need to document the duration.

If Azure AD Authentication is used to access versaSRS then the Navigation Header will also display an icon that links to Outlook web access as shown below.

Status Bar

The Status Bar has a customisable User Panel on the left side, where custom links and Reports can be added for quick access. Also on the left side is the User's summary view that gives a quick overview of a User's workload. The right side contains the versaChat interface, and the toggle view icons for the Footer Menu, Navigation Pane, Preview Pane, and Reading Pane options, which will hide/show parts of the Main Window.

Navigation Sidebar

The Navigation Sidebar provides access to the workable areas within versaSRS. This includes access to a customisable Home Page, User specific views, Teams, versaCRM, Knowledge Base, Reporting, Tools, and customisable, system-wide Favourites. This is the main navigation area that Users will utilise to interact with the system and access records they have been assigned.

Footer Menu

The Footer Menu provides quick, customisable navigation options to some key areas within versaSRS.
The Toggle Footer Menu icon on the Status Bar can be used to hide/show the Footer Menu, it can also be hidden by clicking the top of the ribbon.

Navigation Pane

The Navigation Pane will change in appearance depending on what area of versaSRS you are in.
If you are in one of the "My" views for Records you will see the Teams you are a member of, clicking on one of these will display your Skill Groups. If in a Team view you will see your Skill Groups, clicking on them will show the Users who can be assigned the Records that belong to that Skill Group.

If you are in one of the versaCRM views there will be Search functionality.

The Toggle Navigation Pane icon on the Status Bar can be used to hide/show the Navigation Pane.

Preview Pane

The Preview Pane is where the Hot News, Events, and Assets Search will display when selected.
The Toggle Preview Pane icon on the Status Bar can be used to hide/show the Preview Pane.

Reading Pane

The Reading Pane will only be displayed if in a Team or "My" view for Records. When a Record has been clicked on the Summary view will display here, allowing Users to see key information about the Record without needing to open it.
The Toggle Reading Pane icon on the Status Bar can be used to hide/show the Reading Pane.

versa Spinner icon - Administration Panel

The versa Spinner icon - Administration Panel is for versaSRS administrators to manage and configure the application, each area is split into tabbed links. Here Teams and Users can be managed, default settings and categories can be changed, Templates & Scheduling created, versaCRM controlled, and System Tools used. The administration areas are covered in more detail in the Administration section of the Online Help Contents menu.

versa Spinner icon - User Panel

The versa Spinner icon - User Panel has the same appearance as the Administration Panel and behaves the same though it has less areas the User can access through this menu.