Hot News

Video Tutorial


versaSRS Hot News allows publishing of News Items to all versaSRS users or particular Teams within versaSRS. Within the Hot News Board Panel multiple Hot News entries can be published which can also include clickable hyperlinks.

When published, a Hot News item will appear in the Hot News Panel which is displayed in the Preview Pane

Each Hot News Item contains:

Property Description
ID A unique identifier assigned by versaSRS when the Item is published
Title A title for the News Item, specified by the User
Date Entered The date the News Item was created in versaSRS
Last Updated The most recent date the News Item was edited
Start Date The date the News Item will be published to versaSRS and/or SRSConnect
End Date The date the News Item will no longer be published on versaSRS and/or SRSConnect (it remains in the system)
Team Team that are making the announcement via the Hot News Item
Category The Category that the Hot News Item is regarding
Publish A checkbox controlling whether this item is published for viewing
Social Media Twitter and Facebook checkboxes are available. When checked the Hot News Item will be posted to those social media outlets. To setup the Twitter and Facebook accounts select the icon and enter the details within the relevant tabs.
News Item The Hot News item content, you can add HTML tags to control layout and style