Custom Tabs

Custom Tabs provide the ability to create customised tabs and forms in versaCRM to allow for additional information to be recorded against contact records.

To access the Custom Tabs screen select Custom Tabs from the versaSpinner - Administrators Tab.

The Custom Tabs screen will be displayed. To get started fill in the basic Custom Tab Settings and Save. This will create the new tab within the CRM Contact or CRM Organisation screens, however the tab will empty until the form items and properties are setup.

From the toolbox drag the required fields into the body of the Custom Tab to build the webform that will be displayed in versaCRM under the new tab.

The number of columns selected in the Custom Tab Settings formats the toolbox controls (label/control pairs) into the columns. For example if three columns is selected then dragging three controls into the tab body will result in one row containing the three controls in their respective columns.

NOTE: In order to Activate the Custom Tab in versaCRM please ensure the following has been done:

  1. Check the Active checkbox in Manage Custom.
    (versaSpinner - Administrator tab > Custom Tabs)
  2. Enable the Application Property EnableCustomControls property in Global Settings.
    (Settings Cog > Global Settings - versaSRS tab)

When a control has been added they can be selected and edited in the Properties window.

The textbox control has the following editable properties:

Property Details
ID Read-only field denotes the property id. The property ID will be -1 until it is Saved.
Name The Name of the Property. This is not displayed in the versaCRM tab
Label The Label of the Property. This will be displayed in the versaCRM tab
Field Type Read-only field denotes the type of the control. This is set automatically when the control is dragged into the body.
Data Type Sets the data type for the control
Min. Chars Sets the minimum number of characters allowed to be entered into the control field
Max. Chars Sets the maximum number of characters allowed to be entered into the control field
CSS Style Allows a CSS Style to be applied to the control
Sequence No. Sets the order of the controls

The Radio Button, Check Box, and Drop Down List controls have the following editable properties:

Property Details
ID Read-only field denotes the property id. The property ID will be -1 until it is Saved.
Name The Name of the Property. This is not displayed in the versaCRM tab.
Label The Label of the Property. This will be displayed in the versaCRM tab.
Field Type Read-only field denotes the type of the control. This is set automatically when the control dragged into the body.
CSS Style Allows a CSS Style to be applied to the control
Sequence No. Sets the order of the controls
Data Choices Allows a CSS Style to be applied to the control. Choices can be separated by adding a semi-colon ; in it. For example, adding Choice 1; Choice 2; Choice 3 , it comes up 3 choices.
Alternatively, adding one of the tables from database in Data Source drop-down box in Data Binding section, it will then automatically add the content of a selected column from the table as choices.
NOTE: Radio Button, Check Box, and Drop Down List will need to have choices to be entered in this field.
Data Source Sets the data-source of the element to a table within the versaSRS database
Data Member This gets automatically populated depending on the Data Source. It will be the record ID.
Data Value This gets automatically populated depending on the Data Source. It will be the record value.

When the Custom Tab is saved it will become available in versaCRM to record additional data against a contact.