versaCRM Contracts

Video Tutorial

Contracts can be created for versaCRM records which allow for various criteria and information to be captured. These can be setup with automated notifications for Contract expiry.

A new Contract can be created by selecting the Contracts tab within a versaCRM record and clicking the New icon () in the top left corner. Existing Contracts will be listed in the Contracts panel and can be modified by double clicking on the record.

On the Contract screen you can enter some initial details about the Contract, the fields available are:
NOTE: Fields denoted by * are mandatory and must be filled to create the Contract.

Contract Title * The title of the Contract
Contact The Contact to which the Contract applies to
Organization * The Organization to which the Contract applies to
Owner * The Owner of the Contract. This applies to versaSRS Users only.
Signed By * Who the Contract was signed by. This applies to versaSRS Users only.
Start Date * The Start Date of the Contract
End Date * The End Date of the Contract
Notify Days Allows you to specify the number of days prior to the Contract expiry date to send the expiry notification. The Notify button will display the Case template used for the notification.
Contract AmountThe amount that the Contract is for.
Contact Reference The Reference for the Contact.
Contract Type * The type of Contract. The available options can be edited via the Manage System Tables drop-down option versaCRM - Contract Types.
Contract Status * The status of the Contract. The drop-down list can be edited via the Manage System Tables drop-down option versaCRM - Contract Status.
Purchase Order No. The Purchase Order number
Invoice No. The Invoice number
Contract No. The Contract number

The following fields are available under the Details tab:

Monthly CostThe Monthly cost for the Contract
Current CostThe Current cost for the Contract
DiscountThe discount for the Contract
Review DateThe Review date of the Contract
Price Review DateThe Price Review Date for the Contract
Insurance Cert DateThe Insurance Certificate date
DescriptionA description of the Contract
NotesAny other notes about the Contract can be recorded here

The following fields are available under the Terms tab:

TermsThe terms of the Contract
TerminationDetails about the termination of the Contract

The following fields are available under the License tab:

LicenseDetails about the license.
OwnershipDetails about the ownership of the Contract.

The following field is available under the Warranty tab:

WarrantyDetails about the Warranty.

The following field is available under the Confidentiality tab:

ConfidentialityDetails about the confidentiality agreement.

The following field is available under the Indemnification tab:

IndemnificationDetails about the Indemnification of the Contract.

The following field is available under the Documents tab:

Add DocumentThis button allows documents to be added to the Contract

The Financials tab is used to record transactions and save them against the Contract. The following fields are available:

Transaction NameThe name of the transaction.
DescriptionA description of the transaction.
Account CodeThe account code for the transaction.
CreditThe credit amount used in the transaction.
DebitThe debit amount used in the transaction.
Tax CodeThe Tax Code
NotesFree text field to record any additional notes about the transaction.
DateThe date of the transaction.
HoursThe Hours for the transaction.

The following fields are available under the Forms tab:

RefreshRefresh button to refresh the page to display new changes.
SelectAllows for the selection of a Form to be added to the Contract.