Perfect for simple request management & CRM.
An affordable, entry-level solution to manage requests and incidents to provide a feature rich business management system. Starter contains the core Case/Incident/Request Module, plus many other modules such as CRM, Reporting, Knowledge Base, Document Manager, Events & Templates.
1 Business Unit
5-10 Licensed Users
27 Modules

Ideal for business and asset management.
Pro delivers both Case/Incident/Request and Problem Management. Typically used across business to manage both customer service requests and internal business processes. Pro includes Incident, Problem & Asset Management as well as the Assets Scanning Module (100 nodes included).
5 Business Units
5-50 Licensed Users
38 Modules

For organisations needing managed workflows.
For companies requiring the full Enterprise suite, this edition is ideally suited to large corporations and includes Incident, Problem, Change & Asset Management. CMDB, Assets Scanning (500 nodes included) and 30 modules, including the Archiver. Unlimited Queues are included.
Unlimited Business Units
5-Unlimited Licensed Users
48 Modules