System Labels

Many of the labels used in versaSRS are defaults that can be changed to reflect the terminology used by your business, these labels are listed below.

Label ID System Label Default Label Custom Label
1 SysLabel1 Call Case
2 SysLabel2 Call Number Case #
3 SysLabel3 Issue Subject
4 SysLabel4 Call Type Case Type
5 SysLabel5 Details Description
6 SysLabel6 Initial Solution Type Init. Solution Type
7 SysLabel7 Solution Solution
8 SysLabel8 Queue Team
9 SysLabel9 Functional Area Skill Group
10 SysLabel10 User Staff Member
11 SysLabel11 Priority SLA
12 SysLabel12 Key 1 Qualifier 1
13 SysLabel13 Key 2 Qualifier 2
14 SysLabel14 Key 3 Qualifier 3
15 SysLabel15 Division Division
16 SysLabel16 Department Department
17 SysLabel17 Location Location
18 SysLabel18 Computer Device
19 SysLabel19 Username Anything
20 SysLabel20 Owner User
21 SysLabel21 Calls Cases
22 SysLabel22 Queues Teams
23 SysLabel23 Functional Areas Skill Groups
24 SysLabel24 Task Custom 1 Task Importance
25 SysLabel25 Task Custom 2 Reviewed By
26 SysLabel26 Task Custom 3 Task Custom 3
27 SysLabel27 Task Custom 4 Reviewed
28 SysLabel28 Asset Custom 1 Division
29 SysLabel29 Asset Custom 2 Department
30 SysLabel30 Asset Custom 3 Location
31 SysLabel31 Closure Type Closure Type
32 SysLabel32 Task Task
33 SysLabel33 Problem Problem
34 SysLabel34 Problem Number Problem #
35 SysLabel35 Problem Type Problem Type
36 SysLabel36 Problems Problems
37 SysLabel37 Business Impact Analysis Business Impact Analysis
38 SysLabel38 Productivity Loss Productivity Loss
39 SysLabel39 Technical Resources Technical Resources
40 SysLabel40 Task Number Task #
41 SysLabel41 Change Request RFC
42 SysLabel42 Change Request Number RFC #
43 SysLabel43 Change Request Type RFC Type
44 SysLabel44 Change Requests RFC's
45 SysLabel45 RFC RFC
46 SysLabel46 Product Type Product Type
47 SysLabel47 Product Product
48 SysLabel48 Impact Impact
49 SysLabel49 Service Area Service Area
50 SysLabel50 Symptom Code Symptom Code
51 SysLabel51 Cause Code Cause Code
100 SysLabel100 Organizations Organisations
101 SysLabel101 Organization Organisation
102 SysLabel102 Primary Contact Primary Contact
103 SysLabel103 Account Manager Account Manager
104 SysLabel104 Lead Source Lead Source
105 SysLabel105 Organization Type Organisation Type
106 SysLabel106 Rating Rating
107 SysLabel107 Classification Classification
108 SysLabel108 Category Category
109 SysLabel109 Sub-Category Sub-Category
110 SysLabel110 Industry Industry
111 SysLabel111 Contact Type Contact Type
112 SysLabel112 Track Name Track Name
113 SysLabel113 Track Job Title Track Job Title
114 SysLabel114 Street 1 Street 1
115 SysLabel115 Street 2 Street 2
116 SysLabel116 Street 3 Street 3
117 SysLabel117 City / Suburb City / Suburb
118 SysLabel118 State / Province State / Province
119 SysLabel119 Zip / Postal Code Zip / Postal Code
120 SysLabel120 Country / Region Country / Region
121 SysLabel121 Org Phone 1 Phone 1
122 SysLabel122 Org Phone 2 Phone 2
123 SysLabel123 Org Phone 3 Phone 3
124 SysLabel124 Org Fax 1 Fax 1
125 SysLabel125 Org Fax 2 Fax 2
126 SysLabel126 Org Email 1 Email 1
127 SysLabel127 Org Email 2 Email 2
128 SysLabel128 Org Website URL Website 1
129 SysLabel129 Org FTP URL Website 2
130 SysLabel130 Contact Phone 1 Phone 1
131 SysLabel131 Contact Phone 2 Phone 2
132 SysLabel132 Contact Phone 3 Mobile
133 SysLabel133 Contact Fax 1 Fax 1
134 SysLabel134 Contact Fax 2 Fax 2
135 SysLabel135 Contact Email 1 Email 1
136 SysLabel136 Contact Email 2 Email 2
137 SysLabel137 Contact Website Website 1
138 SysLabel138 Contact FTP URL Website 2
139 SysLabel139 Employee ID Employee ID
140 SysLabel140 Org Level 1 Division
141 SysLabel141 Org Level 2 Department
142 SysLabel142 Org Level 3 Location
143 SysLabel143 Org Level 4 Computer
144 SysLabel144 Assistant's Name Assistant's Name
145 SysLabel145 Assistant's Phone Assistant's Phone
146 SysLabel146 Manager's Name Manager's Name
147 SysLabel147 Manager's Phone Manager's Phone
148 SysLabel148 Org Email 3 Email 3
149 SysLabel149 Contact Email 3 Email 3
501 SysLabel501 Custom 1 Custom 1
502 SysLabel502 Custom 2 Custom 2
503 SysLabel503 Custom 3 Custom 3
504 SysLabel504 Custom 4 Custom 4
505 SysLabel505 Custom 5 Custom 5
506 SysLabel506 Custom 6 Custom 6
507 SysLabel507 Custom 7 Custom 7
508 SysLabel508 Custom 8 Custom 8
509 SysLabel509 Custom 9 Custom 9
510 SysLabel510 Custom 10 Custom 10
511 SysLabel511 Custom 11 Custom 11
512 SysLabel512 Custom 12 Custom 12
513 SysLabel513 Custom 13 Custom 13
514 SysLabel514 Custom 14 Custom 14
515 SysLabel515 Custom 15 Custom 15
516 SysLabel516 Custom 16 Custom 16
517 SysLabel517 Custom 17 Custom 17
518 SysLabel518 Custom 18 Custom 18
519 SysLabel519 Custom 19 Custom 19
520 SysLabel520 Custom 20 Custom 20