SRSConnect Instances
How to Create a New Instance of SRSConnect
1. Within versaSRS select the versaSRS Cog Icon >> Global Settings.
2. Copy the current SRSConnect directory (default location: C:\Program Files (x86)\VersaDev\versaSRS\SRSConnect) and paste it into the same location with a new name (i.e. SRSConnect2).
3. Within the newly created SRSConnect directory, access the web.config file.
4. Within IIS Create a new Application with the same settings as the existing SRSConnect Virtual Directory and ensure the application path is set to point to the newly created SRSConnect directory above (i.e. SRSConnect2).
5. A New SRSConnect Instance can be logged in.
How to Remove an Instance of SRSConnect
1. Within IIS take note of the folder path for the SRSConnect Application that you wish to remove and then delete it from IIS.
2. In File Explorer, locate (based on the folder path from the above step) and access the web.config file and take note of the InstanceID value.
3. Access the versaSRS database and run the below query to delete the Portal Settings (this will also remove the SRSConnect tab for that instance in the Global Settings within versaSRS). Please Note: You will have to replace the [InstanceID] tag in the query below with the InstanceID from the web.config file mentioned in step 2.
DELETE FROM tbl_PortalSettings
WHERE InstanceID = [InstanceID]
4. Ensure the Global Settings has the New Instance deleted.